Monday, August 22, 2016

The One with Water Encounters

August 22, 2016

Sisters in Zone at RED ROBBIN w/ Sister Miller (Mission President Wife)
Lunch before sister Clegg left

Our House alarm went off!

Transfer News: Okay. I'm actually gonna have a companion! Wooo! One of my very own! So I'm staying in Lake Marion for another transfer and am being companions with sister Meyers. I don't know too much about her but she's being transferred from crystal (where i started my mission) and this will be her first time being an STL so yeah. More about her to come next week :)

So this has been the week of the tripanionships. I was with the Crystal Lake sisters (Sisters Miller and Corbridge) from Tuesday when sister Clegg peaced out to Duluth, until Sunday afternoon. It was fun but really stressful. This week has been crazy. Here's some complaining for ya, First off, being a solo missionary for an area is really hard. You feel like you've got the world pressing down on your shoulders and you can't see everyone that needs to be seen.  Being the only STL left in our zone, I have to worry about and try to take care of all the sisters by myself. Then on Wednesday I learned from my bishop that Nette was able to get baptized on Saturday so it was pretty much left to me to coordinate between everyone (bishop, Nette, the Apple Valley sisters, Ward mission leader, and relief society president) all of the details. Then to top it all off I've been sick all week! Don't worry I survived.

It's been fun being in tripanionships. I really like it although not gonna lie I'm ready to have a companion of my very own again. 

Nette's Baptism!

So Nette got baptized on Saturday!!! It was awesome. She had to go under three times but finally it was all done and she was confirmed yesterday. She's a super star I love her. So yesterday just fun fact we were in church for 9 hours. Literally from 7:30am to 4pm. The reason being that being in a tripanionships with the Crystal Lake sisters meant that we were covering three wards. It was long but went by quicker than I thought it would.

Okay so we had quite a few encounters with water this week. So on Sunday Sister Corbridge, Miller, and I were in a trailer park doing stop-by's and it started raining and we only had two umbrella's. So we combined our umbrellas and walked side by side so both umbrellas would cover all three of us. It started raining REALLY hard and the wind picked up and then both the umbrellas broke and we all got DRENCHED. So funny. we took pictures.

So our other encounter with water was on Tuesday, day 1 of my tripanionship with sister miller and corbridge. It again stormed SO HARD. We go to drive to our next appointment and could barely see it was raining so hard. We reach an intersection in Apple Valley and it was literally flooded. There were legit waves in the streets and it was crazy. Also have a video of that one.

Another fun thing so it was Nette's birthday this last Thursday and she told the apple valley sisters that she wanted to have a missionary party of all the missionaries who had taught her. 

Boy did we diliver. All the missionaries in the entire zone except for the Spanish elders and sisters showed up. So fun. But ya know this event became one of the best nights of my mission. The reason being b/c when it got time to share a message before the end of the night sister corbridge suggested instead that all the missionaries go around and share their testimonies. I started and we popcorned around and it was AMAZING. The spirit was so strong! Oh my goodness the spirit just filled the room! So amazing. Again, one of my favorite nights on the mission!

Okay and last but not least someones basement got flooded out due to all the rain and two feet of mud ended up in the basement. So we made a couple of calls and 6 missionaries later were hauling mud out of the basement. So cool and fun helping. and we all got so muddy.

So crazy fun week! Love you all!

Spiritual Thought of the Week:
So guess what? The new September ensign is out! I only read one article but it was really good. It's called After Love, Then What? I loved it. It talked about how if we truly love the savior then everything we do would revolve and around either doing what he would do, serving him, or doing what he's asked of us. Basically being a disciple of Christ depends on our love for him and that our love should motivate all of our actions. As I was reading this talk I was reflecting on myself. I remember talking to someone about how that's why I do a lot of the things that I do and wondering if that was a good enough reason. I loved this article. It confirmed to me if we just open our hearts to love others we are trekking down the path of discipleship.

Love, Sister Richardson

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