Sunday, September 4, 2016

The one with a companion of my very own!

August 29, 2016

Back in Crystal for a baptism w sister p, Myers, and elder and sister McKay 

Hey so I finally have my very own companion!!!!! I'm so happy to be out of the constant tripanionships. I switched on Sunday and went with the Apple Valley sisters for Monday and Tuesday and it was fun :) However Tuesday night was not fun. Sister Christensen had been sick for almost 2 weeks and then on Tuesday started having really bad stomach pain which moved up her torso and into her chest. She has a heart condition and so everyone was really worried about it. So we called elder fife (the person in charge of missionaries medical care) and were off and on the phone with him and then finally decided around 10:30 to go to the hospital to get her checked out. After  spending a bunch of quality time with sister card, Christensen, and our ER nurse it was determined that her heart is okay and she just had a small infection which led her to not drink water which cause her heart to act up. So no crisis here thank goodness. We finally got home and to bed around 1:45 am. It definitely took me several days to recover from loosing that much sleep hahaha. 

Me and Myers in some free onesies :)

 So transfers happened this week and i now have a new companion of Sister Myers! She's my 8th companion, crazy huh? She's awesome I love her a lot! We get along really well and shes adorable and ready to work hard. She's from highland Utah and has been on her mission for 7 1/2 months. And she's spent almost her entire mission in Crystal (where I was trained up in Minneapolis!). So Fun story she had a baptism in Crystal scheduled for the day after transfers so we called everyone we could think of and no one could take us. It was getting down to the wire and so finally we asked if one of the senior couples working in the mission office could take us and Elder and Sister McKay volunteered! 

Lunch before transfers

Oh my goodness we were so grateful. As sister Peterson would say they're the real MVP's. So we headed on up to my old training ground. It's was weird to be back, cause i hadn't been back since i was in training. 

Finally seeing my soulmate (a.k.a sister Peterson) again after 3 months

But Sister Peterson was transferred back to Crystal so I got to spend Thursday evening with her! I've missed her so much! So fun, and I got to see some old ward members which is always fun.

Also awesome thing that happened this week is Sister Richards committed to coming to church! She is a less active lady that feeds us Brunch every Sunday and we weren't quite sure how to approach her because she can get offended. But we basically laid it out straight with her and she asked us to pray for her and said she would try her hardest to come to church this next week which hasn't happened since I've been here! So cross your fingers and pray she comes this Sunday!

Funny Moment of the Week:
So while we were at the ER Sister Christensen was hooked up to a heart monitor for a time so they could see if there were any irregularities. Sister Christensen is also one of the jumpiest people I know so sister card and I wanted to see what would happen to her heart monitor if she was startled. So I threw a mint at her face and she jumped and her heart sped up. It was so funny we were laughing really hard.

Spiritual Thought of the Week:
So there's a section in Preach My Gospel about how the Book of Mormon answers questions of the soul and which chapters are good for which sections. One of the questions posed was How can a belief in Jesus Christ help me? And the Chapter to read is Alma 36. So I read through it cause that's a pretty good question to know the answer to, and this is what I found...

 3. "...I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day."

19. "...I could remember my pains no more; yea, I was harrowed up by the memory of my sins no more."

20. "And oh, what joy, and what marvelous light I did behold; yea, my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain!"

30. "as much as ye shall keep the commandments of God ye shall prosper in the land; and ye ought to know also, that inasmuch as ye will not keep the commandments of God ye shall be cut off from his presence."

So a trust in god and jesus christ (which is pretty much one in the same since their purpose and their wills are always in harmony with the other) means we will supported in all of our trials, troubles and afflictions. Through Jesus Christ we can let go of the pain and guilt of our mistakes and replace that pain and guilt with joy. As well as prosper in everything we do and receive the blessings of god. I don't know about you but all those reasons seem to make life easier and more enjoyable and gives us hope to move on and be better. A world with out Christ will spiral into horribleness, but a world with Christ at least has hope and a reason to be better.

Love you all!!! Sister Richardson 

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