Monday, August 22, 2016

The One With The Exploding Necklace

July 18, 2016

So this week I went on my first exchange ever as an STL. I went with Sister Card back to Apple Valley. Just like old times. IT WAS AWESOME! I love sister card so much and didn't realize how much I loved being companions with her until exchanges. So during exchanges we went and taught Nettie and Brother Lightner. See I thought that I had made a clean get away with transfers. I had taught Nettie three times and had been a big part of her conversion but I got to leave without teaching the law of chastity or word of wisdom. Perfect right? Wrong. I exchange with sister card to learn that we were teaching Nettie and Brother Lightner both commandments in the same lesson. It went SO WELL. It was awesome we went through and talked about each commandment and for both Brother Lightner and Nettie were like "Oh we've already talked about this and have decided to live this way already". Oh my gosh. I love being a missionary and getting to meet people like them. I'm telling ya, they make a mission worth it.

So this week had some of the GROSSEST weather I've ever experienced in my LIFE. Wednesday through Friday was miserably hot and with humidity on Thursday it was 115 degrees. Of course on that day (the hottest day of the year) we were asked to help someone move. They turned out to be such a cute couple and they understood the weather and we worked inside thank goodness. I really enjoyed helping because they knew what needed to get done and told what to do and when to do it and we got a ton done. We've been back several times to help them clean and paint cause they only have 10 days to get out of the house and get all cleaned and painted. Sister Clegg and I felt pretty boss b/c upon seeing how much needed to get done and how little help they had we made a few calls and had 6 extra missionaries there. They were so appreciative, I them :)

So Friday the other really hot and gross day it was a crazy of a day. So I ate chocolate at our dinner and got some on my shirt but don't worry my necklace that sister Peterson gave me was covering it. So we were all gross and humid and didn't look too great I have to say. So Sister Clegg and I were doing a whole bunch of stop bys and were in the top floor of an apartment building. No one was home so i go bounding down the stairs and about half way down my necklace explodes. No joke. Beads flew every where as the chunk of my necklace hit the floor and I just stared at it forlorned for like half a second and then Sister Clegg and I collapsed on the stairs laughing. It was hilarious, and luckily sister Clegg took a picture hahaha.

So then also this week was my birthday yesterday. It was good, just normal missionary life with a little extra singing. The fun happened in the evening. I had two families in the ward sing for me and had two desserts. I also got a few emails and happy birthday texts which made me happy. Then I opened my two birthday packages which was really fun and I loved the things in them, So thanks Grandma, Mom, and Sister Wiley!! Then the tender mercy of my birthday was that at around 9:45pm I got a phone call from a random number and it was Jessie, Chris, Marlee, and Minna Crusan singing me happy birthday!!!   (This is a family Kaitlyn got to teach and watch be baptized in one of her last areas.)  It made me so happy! Apparently Sister Peterson told them it was my birthday :) It was so nice getting to talk to them UGH I miss them so much!  But yeah, I felt super loved yesterday which was what really made my birthday so great :)

Funny Moments of the Week:
Sister Clegg broke a Halogen light bulb while we were helping that couple move and we had to evacuate :) What makes it even better is that sister Clegg is terrified of light bulbs hahaha.

Spiritual Thought of the Week:
So I was reading in the archives of the Ensign (just kidding but it was forever ago) in the 1972 issue. The article I read was called A time of Decision and was by President Harold B. Lee. It's about agency and war and is super good. He started talking about Satan's war on all of us and the thing that really stuck out to me is this...

"Today we are constantly hearing from the unenlightened and misguided, who demand what they call free agency, by which they apparently mean, as evidenced by their conduct, that they have their agency to do as they please or to exercise their own self-will to determine what is law and order, what is right and wrong, or what is honor and virtue."

When reading this I realized that people today are trying to change the rules of the game. To twist the game to work in their favor and justify their sins and actions. Unfortunately for them and fortunately for us God is the same yesterday today and forever, and so are the rules. What is wrong will always be wrong. What is right will always be right.

Well Love You All!!

Love, Sister Richardson

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