Monday, August 22, 2016

The One with the Holy Grail and Illuminati

July 18, 2016

Okay so we had transfers this week and I am now in the Lake Marion Area with the Sister Clegg. So it's been a crazy week trying to figure out all of the things we need to do as STL's. This is Sister Clegg's second transfer being an STL and her last companion did most of the things and so she's better off than me at knowing what's up but not by much hahaha. We have hit the ground running though trying to do everything we need to do, not only as an STL but also as normal missionaries in our area. So let me give you a look of what our week looked like after transfers to give you a sense of the madness that went on...

Wednesday: Transfers and Stake Meeting
Thursday: MLC (Mission Leadership Council) 6hrs
Friday: Weekly Planning 3hrs
Saturday: Phone Calls 5hrs
Sunday: Church 4hrs
Today: Monday: Zone interviews, Meeting, and District Meeting 6hrs
Upcoming:Tuesday: Round 1 of exchanges till Wednesday

Yeah. It's pretty crazy but I think it's good for me because I like having things to look forward too and you certainly have a lot of that as an STL. It's kind of hard though. I realized as I was having my interview with President Forbes while he was answering my question of how to be a good sister training leader, that missionaries really look up to and watch the examples of their leaders and trainers. I was thinking about that and just thought that really I don't deserve to be in leadership. I am not the best example or representation of the ideal/perfect missionary, but I think I need to keep in mind that nobody is a perfect leader. I do need to constantly strive to be better but I am who I am and heavenly father and President Forbes knew that when he called me to this position. Well anyways now that you've heard my deep thoughts on that.

I went to a Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall for the first time this week. We were invited by someone in their congregation and so we thought hey why not. We've never been! Nothing too bad to say, friendly people trying to follow Christ. It's always funny going to other church's though because we are able to view everything with the understanding we have of the restored gospel and it all makes a lot more sense and things that aren't true are more apparent.

We had two awesome lessons this week with a man named Jeff and a cute Vietnamese lady named Mylihn. Jeff is so awesome the Hermana's found him and referred him to us and he is so prepare he wants faith back in his life and is so open. Mylinh is the same way. She is critically reading the Book of Mormon and has a bunch of questions. She is so energetic and so cute. She made us stir fry and brownies for our visit hahaha.

Okay so Sister Clegg and I had a goal this week of teaching at least two lessons every day so we could reach our weekly goal. We were headed back to our car and had only taught 1 and then two ladies sitting in their garage flagged us over and one of them was the mom of a recent convert and her friend. We started taking to them and teaching, but both of them were talkers so sister Clegg talked to one of the ladies and taught and I talked to the other and taught. So we had two separate lessons at the same time. It was pretty funny and we both walked away feeling pretty boss :)

Funny Moment of the Week: So we had a lesson with our investigator and it was all spiritual and great and we end and say a prayer. We go to leave and he's like hey i have a question. What do you guys think about the holy grail? He then took us through a conversation that went like this. Holy grail--> Leonardo Da Vinci's the Last Supper--> Illuminati--> Jay Z and Beyonce--> (attempted to leave the conversation)--> Holy Grail--> Mary Magdalene is pregnant with the child of Jesus. I don't even know what happened in this conversation. I was just trying not to laugh because he was dead serious. I almost lost it a couple of times hahaha.

First of the Week:
The Stir Fry Mylinh made us had legit squid in it. I ate squid this week. 😐
Spiritual Thought of the Week:
2 Corinthians 5:7 "For we walk by faith, not by sight"
This is an awesome scripture for obvious reasons. In the trail of life we can't see the end as were going along but if we walk by faith we can have courage and the strength to make it to the end. If we walk relying on our faith, we will walk with the savior.

Love, Sister Richardson  

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