Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The One Where My Companion Is Poisoned!

June 27, 2016

Sister card and i at the temple

   Our district at the temple

So this week was weird. It was thrown off because we went to the temple on Friday so we had like a half p-day on Monday and then did weekly planning on Thursday and Sister Card was poisoned this week so that knocked out like a full day. So here's what DID happen this week:

- Anthony: So we met with Anthony this last Monday and it went so well! We talked with him and he had started reading the book of Mormon within the like 1 1/2 days since we had seen him and he said that what he read he liked and agreed with. We asked him what it would mean for him if he knew that the book in it's entirety was true and not just the little parts that he read. He said that it would change a lot but he was willing to do the work to read, pray, and find the truth for himself! Ah! So cool! So excited for Anthony!

  Our district

- Prince of Peace: This is the food shelf that we volunteer at as a zone. That was really fun. It's nice to be back in my element of food shelf's. That's all we did in the 1st 6 months of my mission (A.k.a the Anoka zone). Something cool I realized was that I actually prefer to work with people now! So our normal job there is hosting, which means we take people back to the food shelf and ask them questions. But there weren't a lot of people there that day so sister card and i were asked to go through clothes and hang them up. I realized while doing that that I would rather interact with and be around people. Weird. Definitely was not like that before the mission.

- Adrian: So Adrian. We met with him twice this past week. The first time was at the library again and then the second time was at his house and we had the lake Marion elders come with us. So Adrian is awesome he is so open minded and asks tons of questions and just wants to understand god and his plan and will for us. Both lessons are good. The last one with the elders was a pass off lesson though because he would rather meet in his house and there are a bunch of recovering addicts/ ex-convicts there so we thought maybe it would be best for sister missionaries to NOT teach him haha.

- Temple: So we got to go to the temple on Friday! It was sister card's first time at the St. Paul temple and she couldn't get over how small it was! The most exciting thing was that i walked into the temple and ran in to brother and sister moss from the Anoka ward and Brother and Sister Delong! The ward mission leader of Anoka! It was so exciting to see them all. It felt like getting to connect with old friends. I didn't realize how much I've missed the Anoka ward and the people there. I really hope i get to serve there again!That was such a tender mercy. The temple was awesome and i loved being able to go again. We went with the prior lake elders. Elders Swendson and Black. Those kids are great :)

 Car picture

- GLUTEN!: So sister card is pretty allergic to gluten so avoids it like the plague. This cute african lady in our ward had us over for dinner this week and forgot that she's allergic so we had spaghetti and meatballs. Luckily she invited two of her neighbors and their families so she wasn't watching us closely so sister card dumped the spaghetti on my plate and i ate it for her and she just ate the meatballs. So she ended up having like 8 meatballs and we thought we were safe. Unfortunately not. The meatballs definitely had gluten in them. So sister card was on the bathroom floor all night that night, we went to sacrament meeting the next day and then came home. Poor girl. She is REALLY good at acting normal when she's sick so i couldn't tell but apparently she wasn't doing too hot. She's just about normal again which is good. She said that was the most gluten she's eaten in a long time. Luckily though she did not die and i still have a companion.

The Talk: So I had to give my second talk ever on my mission. It went really well. It was on humility and i went first. I loved getting to study the topic of humility the entire week . I learned a lot of really cool stuff which i will share a little in my spiritual thought of the week. BTW's we didn;t have any investigators at church but we had a lot of less actives there which was great! 

- Presidents Fireside: I got to go to presidents fireside for the first time in about 4 months! The last time I went was back with sister Killpack and Pat when I was in Anoka. I saw sister Killpack again! No i didn't get a picture. Not my fault this time. She left before i did. NEXT TIME FOR SURE! I did get to see Sister Xiong again too!

  Sister Xiong and I!

That was awesome! She's so cute! And i saw Buella, the cute little girl from the medicine lake ward who i met my very first transfer back when i exchanged for the first time with sister Jenkins. Basically forever ago. She's is so cute I love her. She ran up to me and gave me a big hug. I loved going to presidents fireside. I also got to see Mazie again whose from the anoka ward. So many people from Anoka this week i loved it!

Spiritual Thought of the Week:
"Humbly submitting our will to the Father brings us the empowerment of God-the power of humility. It is the power to meet life's adversities, the power of peace, the power of hope, the power of a heart throbbing with a love for and testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ, even the power of redemption.To this end, the Savior is our supreme example of the power of humility and submissiveness. After all, His submitting to His will to the Father brought about the greatest, and even the most powerful, event in all of history. Perhaps some of the most sacred word i all the scriptures are simply, "Not my will, but thine, be done" (Luke 22:42)" (The Empowerment of Humility, October 2003).

Be Humble! It helps us become like our savior and endure to the end.

   Love, Sister Richardson

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