Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The One With Heat Advisory's and Tornado Warnings

June 20, 2016

We had a fantastic week. It's been crazy! We are changing our p-day to Friday because we are going to the temple! I LOVE being back in the temple area and getting to go. I'm so excited!

This week kicked off great with multi-zone conference on Tuesday. We (the Lakeville zone) combined with the Lakeville south and Minneapolis zones. What was the best part of conference? I GOT TO SEE SISTER KILLPACK!!! She's an STL in the Minneapolis zone now. I've missed her so much, it was so great to see her. Unfortunately we didn't get a picture together... I know, I know. I dropped the ball. Sorry. Next time.

After conference we had exchanges with our STL's Sister Smith and Sister Clegg. 

I went with Sister Smith to the Lake Marion area for the day. It rained SO HARD. I swear I was jumping rivers the size of the Mississippi as we tried to get to appointments. We were SOAKED from head to toe and there was a tornado warning out haha. First one of those I've ever been apart of!

What made this week great is when we exchanged sister Card said she wanted to try being more exactly obedient with the daily schedule and so we made a goal together to be exactly obedient this week and test the promise of blessings out. Man they are real! It felt like we were running from appointment to appointment this week! We taught 7 lessons to investigators this week, two of which we just found, and taught 9 lessons to recent converts or less active members. Man I swear this is the busiest I've been on my mission. It's crazy!

Our two new investigators names are Anthony and Adrian. We found Anthony by going through our area book. He was a former investigator and we texted him and asked if he was interested in meeting with missionaries again and he said yes! So cool! We had our first lesson with him on Saturday and are meeting with him again tonight! Wish us Luck! Then there's Adrian. We met him by area book work too! I love the area book. It's a gift from god! Turns out the person we were trying to stop by no longer lives there but Adrian does. His brother was baptized a member of the church and he attended the baptism and wants to learn more. We met with him yesterday and he was full of great questions. He has a long way to go before he'd be ready for baptism but he's got so much potential!

Oh also side note. There was a heat advisory out on Sunday. It was so hot and humid. Bleh. I hate humidity. It makes everything ten times worse. Also a weather side note. We've had lightning outside our window just about every night this week. Weather is weird here in Minnesota! Well that's the update of the week. LOVE YOU ALL!

Shout Out to my brother Sean who got married this week!

Firsts of the Week:
While on exchanges sister smith took me chalking!

Nine months out and i'd never been before! It was really fun. I've attached a picture :)

Spiritual Thought of the Week:
D&C 64:2 "For verily I say unto you, I will that ye should overcome the world; wherefore I will have compassion upon you."
John 16:33
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

Sorry, I know I've shared the John scripture before but it's my favorite scripture and I happened upon the scripture in the doctrine and covenants while I was reading this week. I thought it was interesting that the scripture in D&C tells us to overcome the world and that in John it says that Christ overcame the world. The way to overcome the world is through Christ. To try to emulate him more and pattern your life after his, but also to use his atonement to help us. That is another way that he overcame the world. Not only was he sinless but through his suffering allowed each of us the opportunity to become as it were sinless as we partake of the sacrament each week. With and through Christ, we to can overcome the world!

Love, Sister Richardson

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