Monday, August 22, 2016

The One With I Like To Move It Move It

August 1, 2016

So a lot happened this week and I am exhausted so this email may not be very long. Here are the highlights!

1.) Spanish exchange
So we went on exchanges with the Spanish Hermana's this week. I went with Hermana Brittner to their area and Hermana Duvall came with Sister Clegg to our area. So that means I was immersed in a day of Spanish! It was really fun. I was saying yo tengo dos anos de espanol in la escuela alot haha. I also had some AMAZING food. This lady made taco meat with vegetables and what she did was put meat and rice on a plate, and then heat up corn tortillas and you just take a tortilla, fill it with meat and rice and eat it. SO YUMMY! It was awesome getting to talk to hermana Brittner. She is an amazing missionary striving to do her best out here. Sister Clegg and I have truly been blessed with the sisters in our zone. All of them get along not only as companionships but all together, they all are trying to be obedient and to work hard and build up their area's. You can't ask for more as an STL!

2.) Kassi
So another awesome thing that happened this week was getting to teach Kassi. We had stopped by her house before and her and her husband didn't seem too interested, but we were in the area so we decided to stop by again. We started talking with her and she invited us in and we taught the restoration. It was awesome the spirit was so strong! She is so open and willing to learn and read the Book of Mormon and to pray. Sister Clegg and I left feeling like we were on cloud 9 because of the spirit. I love moments like that.

3.) Adventuring Home
So Thursday we go to drive home to pick up our service clothes and our road is completly torn up! There are piles of dirt everywhere. Every single road leading to our house was blocked and under construction so we literally had to park our car and walk through the construction and dirt to get to our house. We were really confused at what was happening.

4.) Moving
Saturday we spent the entire day helping people move. No Joke, from 11-9:30 we were in normal clothes moving stuff and cleaning. We helped a non-member family in the morning for a little bit and then ran over to help Nan and Tom (also non-members) move. I'm sure I've mentioned helping them in my last email. They're the family that we called all the missionaries to come help. Well Saturday was the last day before they had to be done so it was all hands on deck helping them clean and get all the cleaning done. Let me just say i love them but their house is disgusting. I was scrubbing the windowsills and it looked like I was scrubbing off mud from all the grime that was coming off. Ew. But we got almost all of it done and they were so appreciative. They needed the help really bad. And hopefully we'll start teaching them soon :) 

5.) Cute Kids
We were surrounded by cute kids yesterday. The little girl whose family we had dinner with yesterday wanted to tell me secrets and then asked me "do you have a secret"? So i was like "yeah, I have super secret missionary powers that makes people like me... That's why you like me". Then she goes "No, I like you cause your pretty". I love little kids haha. They either make you feel really good or bad about yourself haha.

Spiritual Thought of the Week:
So I found a book of LDS favorite poems this morning written forever ago and I love poetry so I cracked it open this morning for personal study. I LOVED this poem on Courage I found...

"Courage is armour a blind man wears
The calloused scar of outlived despairs:
Courage is fear that has said it's prayers"

I especially love that last line. Courage is fear that has said it's prayers. That reminds me of a quote from princess diaries. "Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgement that something is more important than fear." Prayer is our ultimate tool in having the courage to endure to the end. The fear of life will always still exist, but with a strong testimony of prayer and having the humility to ask for help from our heavenly father we can pick our heads up and keep going.

Well that's the week. Hope all of your weeks is great and magical and adventuresome. LOVE YOU ALL!

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