Monday, August 22, 2016

The One With Letters From Vietnam

August 8, 2016

 Man, So many things!

So this last Monday we had a Sisters P-Day which was super fun. All the sisters in the zone got together and we went out to a really authentic Mexican place and then came over to our apartment and sister Cupkie loaded us with treats and we watched finding nemo. It was really fun :)

Wednesday sister Clegg and I were exhausted and it was hot and humid. We go over to a lesson with a lady that can talk and we sit on her porch. I'm half falling asleep and I look over and sister Cleggs eyes are shut. She would open her eyes and speak and testify and then close them again. The Lady didn't seem to notice at all. It was hilarious. We were like what just happened!?  haaaaaa. Well. Anyways.

I had an absolutely miserable night on Wednesday. So we had a lesson with an investigator outside and I got absolutely eaten alive! I had over thirty bug bites most of which were on my legs. So I go to bed and woke up around 1:30 am and I couldn't handle how badly my legs itched. I was trying not to itch them cause I didn't want pot marks all over my legs but it got to the point where i just wanted to start crying they all itched so bad. I rubbed anti-itch cream all over them which didn't help and I was up for about an hour and all I wanted to do was sleep. Yup. That was fun. again. Annnyyywwayyys

Okay so we have a SWEET new investigator named Sammie. She is a referral from our recent convert Angela. Now, I know I make it seem like every person we teach is really interested and exciting, but Sammie is the real deal. She has almost no religious background, and while we were talking about the restoration she was just like "Yeah, what youre saying makes a lot of sense". Then when we were describing the Holy Ghost and how she would recieve an answer if what we said was true she was like "Oh yeah, I felt that while I was reading through the pamphlets Angela gave me". And she said she would be baptized if she knew what we were saying was true! So excited! We're seeing her on Wednesday with Angela and our Relief Society President! #MiraclesHappen!

We had Pho and egg rolls this week and took some quality pictures that'll be included below for your enjoyment :)

So we had MLC (Mission Leadership Council) with Elder Suarez who is in the presidency of the seventy. It was really good! He's from Brazil so it was fun hearing his accent, and he's a really bold man. We learned a lot of good things about setting goals and working to make them happen.

Today we had a last minute multi-zone training. It was good, but it was a lot of sitting with almost no interactions or participation time on our part so it was hard to stay focused. It's always fun being with so many missionaries :)

Well, more happened but I am running out of the will to keep writing. Hahaha I didn't think that I would ever slip into being one of those missionaries that doesn't write a whole bunch but my last couple of emails are getting a lot shorter from what they once were!

Well Love You All!

Funny Moment of the Week:
So we did an FHE (family home evening) with the Larson's, a really cool family in our ward that have 3 crazy boys and they wanted to play a game at the end. So sister Larson brings out a game called story cubes. Basically you roll the cubes and have to tell a story using all the pictures on the cubes. In one story we ended up with a story about friends parting ways because of
an attack on a tent and Letters from Vietnam. It was awesome hahaha.

Spiritual Thought of the Week:

Okay so I was reading in that poetry book again and read a poem about Christ that literally moved me to tears. It's Called In His Steps by Leona B. Gates. I want to share it with you all.

The road is rough I said,
Dear Lord, there ares stones that hurt me so.
And he said, Dear child, I understand,
I walked it long ago

But there is a cool green path, I said,
Let me walk there for a time.
No child, He gently answered me,
The green road does not climb.

My burden, I said, is far too great;
How can I bear it so?
My child, said he, I remember weight.
I carried my cross, you know.

But, I said, I wish there were friends with me
Who would make my way their own.
Ah, yes, he said, Gethsemane
Was hard to face alone.

And so I climbed the stony path,
Content at last to know
That where my Master had not gone
I would not need to go.

And strangely then I found new friends;
The burden grew less sore
As I remembered- long ago
He went that way before

Love, Sister Richardson

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