Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The One With the Mission President and the Amish Hat

June 13, 2016

 Hi Everybody! Coming at you live from Apple Valley Minnesota!

So Monday was my last p-Day in Wisconsin and it was really chill. We
basically hung out with the elders all day. We went to there apartment
and used the wifi and emailed together, had lunch at golden Hmong egg
roll together, then all went to the church and played volley ball and
then cards for the rest of it. When I say we spent all day with them I
mean it hahaha. They are so fun. 

Tuesday was a lot of packing. Surprisingly though everything fit really nicely which I was surprised about considering my closet practically double in La Crosse. So I was supposed to leave Wednesday to come to Apple Valley right? Yeah that's what I thought too and I was all ret to go and then I get a call Wednesday morning from president Forbes telling me that they'll be driving sister Schmidt down, and we'll be a trio for the day then I'll
drive with them to my new area on Thursday. It was so funny, I kept saying goodbye to everyone and not leaving. Brother Ebbert texted us on Wednesday to say thank you for my hard work and everything I did in La Crosse and I texted back "um thanks but I actually am staying another day haha" to which he replied "What! How many times are we going to say goodbye! It's gotten past awkward and is now just getting ridiculous! At this point you should just call your mission president and stay for the transfer". That was pretty funny. So sister Peterson and I stayed up super late on Wednesday night talking and I will miss seeing her so much. Like she said is wasn't like we were serving with another missionary it's like we were serving with our best friends. I really think one of the reasons I needed to serve a mission was so I could meet her. 

On Thursday we loaded up the Forbe's car with all my stuff, and embarked back to civilization. Well kinda. We had some stops to make on the way. We stopped up in Rochester to talk to the sisters there (sister Sperry and sister wu).

That was a tender mercy because sister Sperry goes home next transfer and since I was getting transferred I probably wouldn't have seen her before she went home and I just love her. So that was super nice. Then we headed over to Kasson and while we were driving my bike kept sliding on the bike rack so we stopped to fix it. Of course where we stopped there was a store called Amish Brick ovens and president Forbes was like "we gotta go in and see all the Amish stuff". I was definitely not passing up the opportunity to go Amish window shopping with my mission president, so that's what we did. It was really fun. President can be really funny. I got a picture with him wearing an Amish straw hat.

That like makes my life!!! So long story short I ended up spending the ENTIRE day with president and sister Forbes. No joke, I was with them from 9:30 am to 6:30 pm. Who gets to say they spent nine hours alone with their mission president and wife. Not too many missionaries hahaha. So I finally got to my new area and met my new companion Woooo!

Sister Card is amazing. I honestly can't say enough good things about her. She is an amazing missionary, is hilarious, and we get along super well. I can tell this is gonna be one of those transfers that are awesome missionary and fun wise. Well balanced transfers are the best! It's so weird to be surrounded by so many missionaries. The Lakeville zone is the second smallest zone in the mission. Literally my first day we went over to the church to do sister cards training and we saw three different sets of missionaries. I was like woah is this zone p-day or something!? Nope we just get to see peeps. Oh fun fact. Sister card is allergic to gluten and milk. This is going to be a good transfer for me food wise. I really needed to cut back on what I am eating and already have! The cute people that we see her are all slightly crazy but are all so adorable you can't help but love them :) also the Ward is amazing and probably gave me the warmest welcome into a ward that I've gotten yet! Missionaries call the Apple Valley area perfect and I can see why. The members are awesome, you always see other missionaries, and there are so many people to teach! If you can't tell, I'm a little excited to be here 😃

Funny Moments of the Week:
#1. So Sister Card and I tried to save a stray cat from an abandoned  trailer park this week. We walk over to the trailer and the cat is sitting in the window of the trailer. Turns out the cat is not a stray and the trailer is not abandoned..... Yikes!

#2. Sister card and I stayed up really late our second night together just talking, and about two hours in we saw large black bugs flying around our ceiling. We were not about to go to sleep when for all we know they could be huge flying ticks. So we went bug hunting. So we killed the first one and then there was a second one! Don't worry! We killed them both and haven't seen one since, so here's hoping their all gone. We videoed our adventure, and I'll attach it below.

Spiritual Thought of the Week:
"The harvest we reap in our lives is measured by the attitudes and habits we cultivate"
I will leave this to you to interpret for yourself personally but I testify to this. If we decide to be happy and work and act in that way we will achieve eventually. And the same for the opposite, I've seen it countless times on my mission.

Love, Sister Richardson

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