Sunday, December 11, 2016

The One With A Throw Back to Anoka!


So we went on two exchanges this week in order to get them all done before transfers. We had crystal lake first on Tuesday and Sister Spiers came with me to a lake Marion. We saw some cool miracles. We went tracting and the first house we knocked on we were able to teach a girl about our age and give her a Book of Mormon and get her phone number! 

Technology was our friend for our Stake Meeting on Wednesday. Usually we all go to bloomington and meet with the stake president, the zone leaders, and president Forbes, and the Lakeville south zone leaders Skype in. President Forbes was headed home from Duluth so the stake president, zone leaders, and us all met at the Lakeville chapel and we had president Forbes over the phone and the Lakeville south zone leaders over Skype. Crazy the kind of things we can do now a days. Also we had a really boss moment during the meeting. President Naatjes was asking all of us how it's been meeting with elders quorum and relief society presidencies. When he asked us we were like yeah we meet with the relief society presidency and elders quorum. There was a moment of stunned silence. Then he asked "you go to elders quorum presidency meetings?" Us: "yup!" P. Naatjes: "do the elders go too?" Us: "Nope" P. Naatjes: "you're probably the first sisters in the history of the church to attend elders quorum meetings!". We felt kind of great in that moment and it was funny to see their faces.

On Thursday we relearned the importance of Tracting. Sister Myers and I prayed about which street to be on and then started down. We taught three lessons in an hour. One of them was even from a van. This guy stopped his car and asked us who we were and what we were doing. Sister Myers launched into a five minute restoration (complete with pamphlet visuals), we gave him a Book of Mormon, a restoration pamphlet, our phone number and invited him to church on Sunday, to which he said he'd come!super cool.

Then on Friday we had exchanges with the Prior Lake sisters. Sister Myers and Rosier worked in Lake Marion and I got to go to Prior Lake with Sister Killpack! We got to be companions again! It was so fun. We taught like crazy too. We were able to teach two other lessons, 1 less active family, 1 member present, and get a new investigator. It was so cool to see how we've both grown. The last time we were companions we were practically babies. It was only my second transfer out of training and sister Killpacks first. We've both grown A LOT. I loved being able to see that cause you don't really notice the amount you've grown cause it's so gradual.

After we exchanged back Sister Myers and I had a really big (and good) heart to heart which involved a lot of feels and a lot of tears. Sister Myers had a pretty rough time on exchanges and so after listening to her and doing basically a mini comp study to invite the spirit back into our hearts as we were headed to our next appointment she started crying and just shared something good she realized about our companionship while on exchanges and what she appreciated about me. I know that me sharing this might sound a little prideful but I share it because it helped me to see better about the affect normal actions can have on people. Throughout my mission I sometimes wonder if I'm even making a difference or helping people around me and my companions and haven't really made much of a difference. But Sister Myers sharing what she did, and then also getting to hear about the impact I had on Sister Killpack as well as what Sister Clegg shared with me a couple weeks ago I've come to realize that just being someone's friend and being reliable is SO POWERFUL. That's all we need to do to make a difference. We don't need to do everything over the top and showy. If we can just be someone's rock to lean on that's what matters. That's what the savior is to us. "And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation;... a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall."- Helaman 5:12

Sunday was great too. We weren't doing so hot on our Goal for teaching recent converts and less Actives so that's what we focused the day on. Those are usually pretty hard for us to get but we were able to teach 3 less Actives! One of which I have been trying to meet for the whole 4 1/2 months I've been here and we finally caught her! It was great :) Such a good week. Stay tuned for next weeks adventures!

Spiritual Thought of the Week: 
I found a scriptures that I just LOVE. It's 2 Nephi 9:45 "O, my beloved brethren, turn away from your sins; shake off the chains of him that would bind you fast; come unto that God who is the rock of your salvation." This scripture just hit me with a lot of power when I read it. There are a lot of things in this scripture that requires action. Turn away from your sins. Shake off the chains of him that would bring you fast. Come unto that God who is the rock of your salvation. To me it just seems really empowering. We are in control of all of these things. We choose whether or not to do them. Salvation is always an option but it's also a choice.

❤️Sister Richardson 

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