Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The One With the Reunion


Hello All, so not a whole lot to tell ya about that's happened in the last three days since I last emailed but for what it's worth here's the update...

Thanksgiving dinner was so fun. After we finished emailing on Thursday sister Cope and I took a three hour nap which was glorious and then headed over to the Dailey's for thanksgiving. It was so fun. And
yummy. They are such a laid back family.

Friday we had a fun day! Our bishop and his wife invited us to come with them to cut down their Christmas Tree! It was so fun! We tromped all through the snow and helped with the cutting placing on the roof, carrying in side and getting it up. So fun. It was the first time sister Cope had ever done anything like that, because I guess they don't have Christmas tree farms in Sacramento. weird right? Hahaha she had a blast :) then also on Friday we got invited by the Marresh's, one of the families we teach, to go have thanksgiving dinner with the entire Marresh clan. SO FUN. It was the first time i had met the family and I love them. They are so cute. Especially their daughter Jazzy. She 16, she loves us and wants to come to church and is going to come to mission presidents Fireside this month! :)

It's been so great getting to share the new Christmas video Light the world with people. Everyone is so open to it and it's so non-threatening. If you haven't seen it GO WATCH IT! It's on or pretty much anywhere. We were able to share with a couple people and testify of the savior(one of my favorite things to do 😉)

On Sunday I spoke in church. As tradition the new missionary that's transferred in always speaks in church. Last year when I spoke the questions were why did I decide to serve a mission, how did prayer
play a role in the past decision and why am I on a mission now. My talk this year was on the same questions with a new question. How has my understanding of the atonement changed since I've been on a mission. I LOVED having the opportunity to speak! I was still nervous, but I was able to see the growth that's happened in myself as I answered the same questions and my answers have changed. I wish I had it recorded and could just send it home. Guess you had to be there hahaha.

Lastly so exciting...... I GOT TO SEE MURIEL!!!! Ahhhh, she was one of my absolute FAVORITE people in Anoka when I was here last and after I left the sisters lost touch with her,  but we stopped by yesterday and I got to see her! Also! Exciting! Her daughter has convinced her to take the first lesson so we scheduled that! So excited!!!

Spiritual Though of Week:
Alma 33
11 And thou didst hear me because of mine afflictions and my sincerity; and it is because of thy Son that thou hast been thus merciful unto me, therefore I will cry unto thee in all mine afflictions, for in thee is my joy; for thou hast turned thy judgments away from me, because of thy Son.

One of the questions I spoke on in my talk was how did prayer play a role in me receiving my answer to serve a mission. Upon reflecting on both before and throughout my mission I realized how important prayer has been throughout the whole process. Praying to find out if I was supposed to serve a mission taught me what it meant to pray sincerely and with real intent. It means you have to pray willing to act on any answer you receive, even if it's not what you want to do. 

One of my experiences in the MTC that left me pleading to my Heavenly Father taught me that god is ALWAYS listening. He loves us so much and will give us the help we need. I've also experienced through the wonderful moments what it means to pray and give thanks and glorify God. When all you can do is say thank you for letting you even be a part of this amazing miracle. It is prayer that has sustained me as I've been on my mission. Truly in God is my joy. God will always hear us if we will cry unto him.

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