Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The One With Some Frostbite


When your just too exhausted....

We had some really great lessons this week! So the first one was on Monday night and it was with Nortons. Sister Norton and their daughter is active but Brother Norton isn't. We set up to do an FHE with them and another family in the Ward that they knew and Brother Norton taught the lesson on faith and it was AWESOME! My gosh, the spirit was so strong and it was a great lesson, and a really fun evening. And they are going to try to do it every month!! So great!

Okay the other exciting lesson was on Tuesday evening. We had a less active sister finally text us back after forever and schedule a time to meet with us. We thought it was just going to be her, but we get there and her fiancé is there and we joked and got to know each other and then her fiancé Richard basically sat us down and said he wanted to know how many more lessons he needed to take from the missionaries in order to get baptized. He said he'd already taken 3, and he and aurora were planning on getting married in February and he wants to be baptized. SO COOL! We were so stunned. I just thought, you want to get baptized? We can help you with that! Hahaha. So great, they both came to the Ward Christmas party and church on Sunday, and we have a lesson set up with them for tomorrow! Wooo!

Lesson with our investigator Vicki

Okay, then the last really exciting lesson was with a couple named Ben and Sarah who are in their mid 20's. Ben is a less active member and Sarah is not a member but has been meeting with missionaries for a while. They haven't been seen by any missionaries for a while now and we stopped by last week and they were super cool! We showed them the light the world video and then they asked if they could take us out to Denny's so of course we said yes and we had our Denny’s outing this week. We really got to know them and got to bear our testimonies to Sarah and we set up a time for this next week to do a lesson at the church! She wants to take it kind of slow but she definitely has the potential to progress.

We had Zone service this week. We all went down to the crystal area to help with a holiday toy drive. So fun. AND. I learned that there was an emergency transfer with the STL's here in Anoka and with the ones in Lakeville, which means.... SISTER MYERS IS IN THE ZONE AND I GOT TO SEE HER!!!!!!!!!! Oh it was so good to see her! We hugged like none other when we saw each other. It's so great to have a friend in the zone. I don't think I've ever been transferred and served in a zone with another of my companions, so this is a treat :) it was a Christmas miracle!

So I actually thought I was getting frostbite this week. It's been in the negatives over here quite a few days this week and on Saturday it had snowed a ton so we asked the family we were having dinner with, the Lamberts, if they knew of anyone we could do service for. Brother Lambert said he was going to shovel his neighbor whose out of towns drive way so we offered to help and we all headed outside. So fun fact i learned recently that mittens are warmer than gloves and all I had were fabric gloves. We were shoveling in the negative degrees And my fingers literally hurt so bad I was pretty sure I was getting frostbite. I just laughed to myself and thought all in the name of service!! Thankfully Brother Lambert saved me and gave me his mittens and got another pair. Not kidding though my fingers actually hurt for 20-30 minutes after wards even though they weren't cold anymore. It was crazy. That's Minnesota for ya!

Lastly I wanted to update ya on some of the crazy weather we've been having. We got 5-8 inches of snow on Friday and Saturday which is always fun driving in. I've gotten to the point where I like skidding a little bit (not a ton while surrounded by cars of course) but it kind of makes everything little more exciting. It's like real life Mario cart hahaha that was a joke. Then on Sunday the high was I think -9 and the low was -20. No, church was not cancelled and with windchill it got down into the -30s!! Ahhh. Crazy.

Well that's about it for this week LOVE YOU all and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Spiritual Thought of the Week:
So I was reading through one of my favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon, Jacob 5, which tells the allegory of the tame and wild olive trees. What stood out to me as I read. This chapter again was verses 21,22, & 25 which reads...

21.And it came to pass that the servant said unto his master: how comest thou hither to plant this tree, or this branch of the tree? For behold, it was the poorest spot in all the land of the Vineyard.
22.And the Lord of the Vineyard said unto him: Council me not; I knew that it was a poor spot of ground; Wherefore, I said unto thee, I have nourished it this long time, and thou will beholdest that it hath brought forth much fruit.
25.And he said unto the servant: Look hither and behold the last. Behold, this have I planted in a good spot of ground; and I have nourished it this long time, and only a part of the tree hath brought forth tame fruit, and the other part of the tree hath brought forth wild fruit: behold, I have nourished this tree like unto the others.

There were three things I learned while reading this passage:
1.  God is aware that some of us are not planted in the best of situations that seem like they'd do more damage than good.
2.  He promises to nourish us and if we let him despite the bad ground/situation we can bring forth much good fruit.
3.  You have the same kind of potential as someone in good ground and you can do just as well or better in bringing forth good fruit.

Overall message is that God is aware of all of our situations no matter how good or bad. He is aware of us and all the blessings that he gives us or temporarily withholds from us is for our good.

Love you all!
️Sister Richardson

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