Sunday, December 11, 2016

The One With Some Salami


The Goodbyes Before Transfers-

Sister Larsen

Hermana Duvall


The Kirchers

The Tuckers 

Sister Myers

 Look out Minnesota we've got snow! ❄❄

Wow so it's been a long time since I've given ya an update. Before transfers was cray but wonderful. There was so much love and the great thing about getting transferred is that you see people like a lot more than you think hahaha. My saddest goodbye was with the Kirchers. I got really close with the whole family and the littlest girl Hannah wouldn't let go of me and asked if she could write to me in my new area! It was so cute, we took a family picture on the stairs haha. 

Look my new Comp! Sister Cope

So transfers happened on Wednesday and I got to see the one and only lovely sister P again. It's so fun whenever we get to see each other which is basically only at transfers since we both get transferred so much. She's doing well and is opening another area for sisters which is exciting. Also I met my new companion sister Cope. She's adorable. She's from Sacramento California and just finished her training. She's gorgeous and so kind and sweet. Like seriously she's achieved the status of Disney princess in normal life which is hard to do. We get along so well and laugh a lot together.

First ever District Meeting over Skype!

It's been so fun seeing all the members here in Anoka again. I've gotten a lot of people staring at my face confused and going wait a minute don't I know you, or didn't you serve here before? I even had one member at church check to see if I was still on my mission or just visiting hahaha.

We've had such a wonderful time teaching. We taught a total of 16 lessons this last week since I've been here! 5 of which were lessons with members! The most exciting news is the Salami family (yes like the meat haha). We stopped by on Saturday to see if they were home, but we didn't have a lot of hope cause their an African family from Nigeria and African parents have a tendency to work crazy hours, but we stopped by and they were home!!! They let us in and we taught anicole (the mom) and her three kids the plan of salvation and it was wonderful! The kids were so engaged and Nicole was testifying to what we were saying the whole time. We challenged Nicole and Isaiah (the only child over 8) to be baptized and the accepted and set a date for January 14th!! So exciting and then we saw them again on Tuesday and sister Kastel came with us and it was another awesome lesson. We taught them the 10 commandments and the importance of praying and coming to church and it was just wonderful. Ah I love them so much and am so excited for them.

We've seen miracle after miracle here in Anoka this past week. And we've been having a blast together. I'm so excited for what this transfer will bring. The beauty of being back in an area that I was in in the beginning of my mission is that I've seen so much growth in myself. Its crazy. I finally feel like I really know what I'm doing and that I can teach and testify, I know how to be bold and show people I love them, I know what the rules are so I can be obedient, and I know how to involve members, and to have fun. Until next week I love you all and happy thanksgiving!!!🍁🦃🍽 

Spiritual Thought of the Week:
I recently read this talk from this last October general Conference called the souls sincere desire by Sister McConkie, and I though it was appropriate with it being thanksgiving today...
"Sincere desires offered in a spirit of gratitude for abundant blessings and gratitude for the lessons of life instill in our hearts steadfast faith in Christ, a “brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men"
I love gratitude. It has the power to lift spirits, strengthen faith, give us hope, and helps us to have charity. Last year near the end of my time in Anoka and begging my time in La Crosse was a bit of a dark time in my mission. I wasn't happy and I didn't know why and I felt my desire to go out and do missionary work was not very strong and I didn't know why. I loved my areas and my companions and the work was fine but I wasn't happy. It was probably the closest to depressed I've ever been and I didn't know how to fix it but knew I needed to so I talked to my mission president about it. After quietly and lovingly listening to me he challenged me to except for praying for my family and investigators to focus all of my prayers on gratitude. I did. I prayed in gratitude for all of my blessings and the darkness lifted. I became happy being a missionary, happy in serving, and happy in doing uncomfortable things hahaha. Gratitude changes attitudes and helps us feel the spirit so I challenge all of you to focus your prayers more on gratitude instead of constantly asking for things :)

❤Sister Richardson

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