Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The One Where We Had To Go Through Way More Than The Pioneers!


Funny Moment of the Week: (this is how my email title makes sense)


OH MY GOSH WINTER HAS HIT HARD HERE IN MINNESOTA!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh. We got stuck out in it on Tuesday. We were getting our car fixed on Tuesday and we were like ah we'll just go walk through the parking lot and find Wi-Fi inside a store to do our companionship study. Only problem was our car appointment was at 9 and everything didn't open until 10 so we walked all around the parking lot with the wind wiping our faces until we finally took refuge in a McDonalds. Oh my gosh I thought my ears were going to fall off! We are so grateful for our car.

We had our first district meeting in person! It went SO WELL. It was a crazy good district meeting. Three in our district (myself included) gave three different trainings and then our district leader told a story that linked all of them together and committed us to be better. It was awesome!!! The spirit was so strong. Also so apparently Zupas is huge in Utah and everyone loves it but I'd never been. So we all headed their after district meeting. We walked in and there were members from the Andover and maple grove wards there that payed for our lunch! They were so kind!

So we have this investigator named Gay and I'd never met her, but we were finally able to see her on Saturday! She has had the most amounts of trials I think I've ever heard of. Her life has been so hard. She had a really bad experience with church and so she's been pretty leary of us but when we came they were cleaning the apartment so we jumped right in and helped and she was really touched by that and she is starting to trust us. We're able to have a good lesson and left her with a plan of salvation pamphlet to read so we can come back and teach her! She's gonna take some time and love, but she's worth it.

Side note we got to go see the lights at the Anoka county fairground this week with the Andover sisters. It was so fun, cold, but fun. I'll attach pictures. Also side note. Along with winter the snow has arrived here in Minnesota. It started snowing Saturday night and snowed most of Sunday. It was crazy and the roads were pretty bad while we were driving to church. It's funny, so Sister Cope is the designated driver but since she's from California she has absolutely no idea how to drive in the snow. Whenever it starts snowing she just hands the keys to me and I drive hahaha. I've gotta say I'm pretty impressed with how well I've learned to drive in the snow. I would dare to say I'm a fairly average driver in the snow. I can handle sliding every now and  again hahaha, we ended up having about 8-10 inches. Luckily it was all dry and powdery snow and joy wet snow.

Well, I'm excited for what this week brings. Love you all!!!

Sister Richardson

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