Thursday, December 8, 2016

The One Where the Leaves are Falling, Winter is Coming, and We Are Biking

The Hermanas left us sticky notes!

So we have been Biking all over Lakeville this week because we are out of miles. Biking in the wind, rain, you name it, we did it. It was really cute cause we were biking in the rain and we were FREEZING on Tuesday and then we went over to Nette's and brother Lightners for our lesson. I was still really cold so they wrapped me up in a blanket and gave me hot chocolate and cookies and that's how I taught their lesson. I wish every lesson was like that, wrapped in a blanket. I felt really loved :)

Really cool lesson with Sister Stetler. It was one of those moments where you are able to listen to the promptings of the holy ghost and discern their needs and teach what they needed to hear. One of my favorite things ever. Seeing yourself be an instrument in the hands of god is such a wonderful thing. I got to experience that with Sister Stetler this week. 

We had a fun time with the Heindels for dinner. They had us and the elders over and threw a Halloween party with them and another family. So fun. We had pizza, built a dry ice bomb, carved pumpkins, and had pie. SO SO SO fun. I'll attach pictures below.

Had a super sweet miracle this week at the trunk-or-treat. We were walking around the church looking for ways to be useful and help right before it started and brother woods walked up to us trained by a teen. He said "sisters this is my new friend Corbin he just walked in the church looking for some more information". I have never had that happen on my mission before. As sister Myers said that's like Mormon folklore. He said he had talked with his friend about the church and was looking for a Mormon book. We taught him about the book of Mormon and gave him one, a card, invited him to a church tour, gave him our phone number and got his and then we all went on our way. Wow. Talk about miracles.

The other miracle of the week was the RICHARDS. OH MY GOSH. So. They are a less active family in our ward that we have been visiting ever since I came to the area and for probably two months now Sister Richards has been promising to come to church. Yesterday they finally did!!!! Then we went over to their house afterwards and she said they both loved it! Probably was one of the best testimony meetings they've ever been to and they want to keep coming. She said she even set aside some time to read the book of Mormon that night. Oh my gosh. Miracles!

Well I think that's it for this week :) HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Love, Sister Richardson 

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