Sunday, June 12, 2016

The One Where President Doesn't Tell You Your Training


Transfer News:
So OF COURSE I've broken the pattern and don't get to stay in La Crosse for 6 months 😒 I'm getting transferred to apple valley Minnesota, and PRESIDENT DIDNT TELL ME IM TRAINING! I'm finishing sister cards training. So we'll see how that goes πŸ˜• I feel like my heart is breaking when I think about leaving La Crosse. Like don't get
me wrong I'm excited for apple valley and sister card and I'll have a good attitude about it, but this is probably my hardest transfer. I'm sad. There's a video of our transfer reactions below.

Side note:
Sorry this email is so late, we went to an Indian powwow today with sister Olson up in black river falls. That was super fun, that's what those pictures are.

So this week has been crazy and fun. So it started off on Monday with some really exciting news from the Perrys. Brother Perry talked to Bristol last Sunday and is preparing to go to the temple by the end of the summer!! Oh my goodness we are so excited for him! He is such a sweet man, and we are so excited for him to make this step. Woo.

Then on Tuesday I had one of the coolest experiences with the priesthood I think I've ever had. So Elder and Sister Beck (the senior missionary couple serving in Sparta) texted on Monday saying they were going to be down in la crosse on Tuesday and asked if they could take us to lunch. Sister Peterson and I both had wanted a blessing from elder Beck so it was perfect that he was gonna be in La Crosse. Elder Beck really honors his priesthood. He had us read from the scriptures before we started and talked about blessings and had sister beck say an opening prayer. I went first. I thought I had just wanted a blessing because transfers were coming up and I wanted to receive one from elder beck. I needed that blessing more than I knew. It helped me feel relief with a lot of the things I have been stressing about that I hadn't told anyone about. I am so thankful for the power and comfort
that comes from the priesthood, and men who worthily hold it and are in tune with the spirit.

So we had our last lesson with Jessie and Chris. We were there for 6 hours teaching them the last three lessons and going over the baptism interview questions. We taught it using sticky notes and I'll attach a picture. My sticky note game is strong ;)

The mosquitos have arrived here in La Crosse or as sister Peterson calls them, Mosquatos haha. I have 5 mosquito bites right now. One on each foot and three between both arms. It's really annoying hahaha, thought you'd all like to know.

We learned how to roll egg rolls with Mai and Bao on Friday. That was so fun. Man egg rolls are my weakness. I had like 7 of them!

We taught The gospel principles class this Sunday. I was pretty nervous for it, because it's a bunch of adults staring at you and you're hoping you've got enough prepared, but it went so well! There was more class participation than I think I've ever seen in that class before. The lesson was on faith and the spirit was really strong as so many wonderful people shared their experiences. That was a huge blessing from Heavenly Father.

After church Jessie and Chris had their baptism interview with Elder Pierson. It went so well! Chris was only in there talking for thirty minutes and Jessie was in there for an hour and a half. It was all smiles as they walked out of it :) So their baptism is on track for this Friday at sometime after 3 hahaha. Time still needs to be nailed

Well that is about it for this week, it was good and busy :)

Love, Sister Richardson

Spiritual Thought of the Week:
D&C 52:14
-Gods is unchanging and Satan is constantly changing. We can put our trust in God because of his unchangingness. We can feel safe in knowing eternal truths and principles.

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