Sunday, June 12, 2016

The One With The Huge Exciting News!!!


We went hiking this morning with our district and Mai whose s recent convert

Okay so we had a huge awesome amazing thing happen this week so I'm gonna tell you about all the other things this week and save it till the end so you keep reading ๐Ÿ˜Don't worry there's only two things so not to long.

So the first thing that was exciting was that our STL's (Sister Training Leaders a.k.a sisters in charge of us) came down and blitzed our area. Blitzing is when the other companionship comes down for the day and we (the areas normal companionship) splits up as well and then we switch half way through the day to get a turn with each STL. Does that make sense? I tried my hardest to explain it well. So I went with Sister Sperry for the first half of the day and then switched and went with Hermana Koopmans. It was funny, Hermana Koopmans forgot her name
tag in Rochester but never fear, she was not tagless. A missionary whose last area was La Crosse left one of her name tags in the apartment, so Hermana Koopmans was Sister Roberts for the day hahaha.

We went and helped a less active member of our ward clean up her garage and part of her yard and we were all flipping out about getting ticks. THEY'RE EVERYWHERE AND THEY ARE OUT TO KILL US!!!! It's terrifying! ๐Ÿ˜ซ as far as we know everyone's safe but they could be anywhere. Ahhhhh! That's just the constant stress us missionaries have to deal with. We tried a New Mexican food place that was okay in my opinion, and then we all headed over to the pearl so that Sisters Sperry and Koopmans could try it. 

On Sunday we were asked to sub last minute and teach the 7-8 yr old primary class. It was really fun, we were teaching about the priesthood. There were 4 kids in our class and they got a kick out of playing hang man (spelling out blessing and authority of course) and reenacting Jesus calming the sea. The cutest/ funniest thing was when we took the kids around the church and went on a priesthood hunt. They were trying to see how many priesthood holders they could find and it was so funny when we got to the stage which is where the elders quorum meets. The door was open and they were all like "LOOK THERE THEY ARE!!! THERES LIKE SEVEN OF THEM!!!" So cute.


Okay. So. The exciting news isssss........ Drumroll
Jessie and Chris set a baptism date!!!!!!! They are planning on being baptized on June 18th! Oh my goodness they are so amazing! And remember how I said that Jessie has always been the more gung-ho one and spiritual one compared to Chris? Well when we asked them how they felt about preparing to be baptized on June 18th, Chris was the one who was like Yes! I'm ready to be a member and make this step. It was so amazing and Jessie said the closing prayer at the end and the spirit just filled the room! It was like we were swimming in it, I wanted to cry. You know how whenever you ask converts about their conversion story how they have "their missionaries" the ones they cherish and stay in contact with and never forget their names? We are slowly becoming "their missionaries" and I am so ecstatic. That is one of the things that I have wanted SO BADLY one my mission. I'm literally living my dream. Watching this young family making steps closer to their Heavenly Father and their savior and seeing how sincere they are and the amount of faith they exercise. This is so incredible I can't really explain everything in words. I'll say it again, I am so blessed to be allowed to participate in their journey. They would make these steps if I was here or not. Heavenly Father has simply allowed me to be apart of it :D

Funny Moment of the Week:
So when we went to the pearl with the STL's we couldn't find parking close so we had to park a bit away and walk. Well it was raining a little and then really picked up while we were walking. And all we could think as our little band of missionaries was trekking to the Pearl was "the things women do for ice cream". It was really comical.

Spiritual Thought of the Week:
So Sister Peterson and I were asked to do a training on district meeting this week on hope. It was awesome. I learned a lot of things about it, for instance I happened upon a new favorite ensign article of mine. It's called hope: The misunderstood sister from the June 2009 issue. "Then there’s Hope, who seems to have a problem with the way people perceive her. It may be her name and the way it’s commonly used: “I hope the car passes inspection.” Or, “I hope the weather will be nice for the wedding.” Used this way, the word hope is the verbal equivalent of keeping your fingers crossed. Consequently, many seem to think Hope is unsure, even fickle--she may or may not grace you with her companionship. But surely that’s not the kind of hope our Father in Heaven commands us to have. Nor would it be the kind of hope our Savior offers. Hope is anything but wishful. It is expectation based
on experience. I see Hope more clearly now. She is serene. Her eyes have the deep, knowing look of someone well acquainted with sorrow, the luminosity of recently being wet with tears. Hope has the confidence of one who clearly sees a bright future even when the next hours seem fog shrouded. Hope is steady and strong, a friend I am glad to have beside me during my own trials." Spoken in the words of one of the members here, hope helps you keep going when you don't see an end. And as elder Russell M. Nelson said, everything comes back to the savior. We have faith in him as our savior, hope in his atonement, and charity is the pure love of Christ. My mind was a little blown as I studied this topic and I hope yours was too :)

Love, Sister Richardson

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