Sunday, June 12, 2016

Romans Chapter 5


We had a great time SKYPING with Kaitlyn.  We were down in Oregon at Mike's parents home so they could see and talk to her as well!  Here is her brief email:

I know it was fun talking to you guys too! It was A LOT easier skyping this time than last. Less traumatic which was nice. And less tears. I'm glad you guys were able to get home so quickly, you should've just told me, we could've done it earlier. Oh well it is what it is. I love you and will write a more detailed email next week. I'm tired and sick and just cant bring myself to write a full fledged email. If you want a spiritual thought for this week, you should read Romans chapter 5. It BLEW my mind! The beginning talks about glorying in tribulations, which is hard to do, but easier when you realize that they teach us patience, experience, and hope. Then the rest of the chapter talks about the atonement and how because of one man (Adam, but could also be us) death has been brought upon us, and judgement, and sin, and because of one person (Christ) we are given grace, mercy, and eternal life. Ahh, it was sooo good!
Well i love you and will talk to you in 6 months!
Love, Sister Richardson

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