Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The One With the Over Bearing Stereotypical Mother Hen :)

September 19, 2016

 Sister Myer & Sister Richardson
Hello outside world. So we had an awesome week teaching! I finally feel like Sister Myers and I have found our groove in teaching. We were running around Lakeville, Farmington, Rosemount and Elko like crazy trying to accomplish all of our weekly goals. We got so close! You know, I think I need to focus on reaching goals more often because this week was different than most. I was not only excited to do the work but was constantly thinking about thing we could do or needed to do that would help the missionary work in the area. I loved seeing that change in myself. 
So round two of exchanges has come and gone. Sister Corbridge came with me to Lake Marion and we had an awesome time teaching and serving :) She's a really cute sister. Oh and because of exchanges we saw a miracle in finding a new investigator named David! We were stopping by a less active part member family and they weren't home but their neighbor was just leaving so we stopped and talked with him. We taught him the restoration and gave him a Book of Mormon and a Restoration pamphlet. So cool!
Also another finding miracle Sister Myers and I  had while were contacting around a park (fun fact we taught a lesson because of pokemon-go, see it's a great proselyting tool! hahaha jk). So we were just about ready to leave and we stopped to talk to these girls in their twenties on a bench. We started talking with them and were able to teach them. They were some SUPER cool girls and we've set up a return appointment with one of them named Amanda!

After that park contacting we had to run up to Bloomington for a meeting with the Stake President, President and Sister Forbes, and the Zone Leaders. It was funny we didn't have time to eat dinner because we wanted to be out in the park contacting so after the meeting we asked Sister Forbes if she had a granola bar or an apple we could have to tie us over for the night. She just laughs and grabs oranges, apples, multiple granola bars, cheese stick, etc. and dumps them in a bag. It was so cute. I love her she's so funny. She's your typical over bearing mother hen haha.    

Then on thursday we had a combined zone conference with the Lakeville south zone. So funny story. The day before the conference around 4 we get a call from the LVS zone leaders and they were like so are you ready for your training? To which we responded what training? They proceeded to tell us that we were supposed to give a 30 min training at the zone conference the next day. WHAT?! Don't worry we created a boss training in about an hour the night before and all went well. First time giving a training as an STL and I had less than a day to prepare. It's all good. See, I never get calls to ask if I'll do things ;)  

So on Friday we got to go on a road trip with the Apple Valley sisters down to Elko and New Market to do a Blitz. So fun!

Sister Card & Sister Richardson
I got to be with sister Card and we went tracting. We were able to teach someone and ended up with a new investigator! Then as we got lost trying to get back to the car we came across a pasture with a horse, two cows, and a goat. We were prompted to stop and take selfies, Pics to prove it down below.

Beautiful Minnesota 
Last but not least we were able to see Jolene this week. As of right now she is our most progressing investigator. We had a great lesson with a member who was just perfect for her. I love it, we are so close to setting a date with her! I'm so excited. One of my favorite things is getting to hear investigators pray. They are so sincere and the spirit is always there it fills me with such joy I love it. She's is changing and you can literally see it. 

Well that's about it for this week. Tune in next time!

Spiritual Thought of the Week:

So I finished the Doctrine and Covenants this week and a verse described one of the experiences that I had this week. The verse is from D&C section 136: 33-34 which says...
33 For my Spirit is sent forth into the world to enlighten the humble and contrite, and to the condemnation of the ungodly.
 34 Thy brethren have rejected you and your testimony, even the nation that has driven you out;

So yesterday we taught a lady who was really contentious and was almost bashing us but trying to be kind about it. I HATE when people respond that way. It's the worst. Not because of what they're saying but in how they respond and the contention and the hardness of their hearts it drives the spirit away. I always walk out of those situations feeling gross and dark and irritable I hate that. The reason I shared the scripture I did is because that's not how God speaks to us. He enlightens those ready to receive him. Those feelings are the first steps in discovering truth from god. 

Love, Sister Richardson

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