Sunday, February 21, 2016

The One Where We Ate Ice Cream in Negative 20

February 16th, 2016
Zone Service Project
So not a lot happened this week. We had a great time at district meeting. Elder Johnston and Ellsworth had gotten about 8 pints of ben and jerry's ice cream from one of the members and brought it all to district meeting so we got to eat ice cream while we got a training from Elder Johnston. We read a really good talk called the fourth missionary. Ya'll should check it out and read it. It was funny Elder Lowe said that the night before he was praying for some of his favorite Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavor called chocolate therapy and he got it at district meeting. He was just like GOD LOVES ME! That was funny.
So on Tuesday we had a cool window miracle. And for all of you non missionaries who don't know what a window is (no its not something you look through). A window is a block of finding time that is super inspired and specific. You pray about where and what street you are going to tract/ contact, what side your going to start on heading which direction, when you cross the street etc. Its also a promise that you make with heavenly father that if you'll be there ON TIME and you do what you've planned and work hard that he'll lead you to someone that he's prepared to hear the gospel. So we had one planned for Tuesday night on  tiny little street we'd never been to before. We start tracting and it was terrible. It was freezing cold and everyone we talked to would almost slam the door in our faces and say not interested. We have like three houses left and knock on the next one and a couple answered the door and they let us right in. We started talking with them their names are Steve and Barb. They were a lovely couple, really funny and making fun of each other. Then we told them we were missionaries and proceeded to have like a 40 min conversation about the gospel and we shared the restoration and a bit of the plan of salvation as we answered their questions. We gave them a book of Mormon. It was so cool! That was probably the first time I've ever taught a lesson like that while tracting. Unfortunately we didn't get a return appointment but we're gonna stop by in a couple of weeks and see if they've read anything from the book of Mormon and if we can start teaching them the lessons.  
On Wednesday Sharon was able to come to the preach my gospel class. it was awesome! Sister Petersen (bishops wife) gave us a ride and the class went great and then afterwards we all went to chick-fil-a and got milkshakes. That was really fun and we got to know Sharon a little better which was good. 
I just want to tell you all to be thankful for your warm weather. We went tracting this week in -20 degrees with wind. I don't know how i still have all of my appendages.  Well more stuff happened this week but nothing too crazy and I'm tired of writing. Sorry!
Spiritual Thought of the Week.
This week I've reflected a lot on Joseph Smith and the Book Of Mormon and how vital having a testimony of those two is to our faith and our doubts. We've gotten asked a couple of tough questions this week that i didn't necessarily know how to answer at the time. I've been studying a lot about them and the reasons behind certain things and keep getting led back to Joseph Smith being a prophet and the Book of Mormon being the word of God and a true testament of Christ. If we have taken the time and energy to find out and gain a testimony of the restoration for ourselves we need not doubt. Almost all questions we may have about the gospel or the reason behind things comes back to that knowledge. If you don't already know if those things are true please study it out. Study and then pray with sincerity and you will receive your answer. Find out for yourselves and don't just rely on the testimony of others because if you don't know for yourself, when your faith is tested or your doubts seem to be ever growing you may crumble under the weight of it.
I Love You All!!!!
-Sister Richardson

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