Monday, March 7, 2016

The One Where I'm Leaving the State

February 29, 2016

The Lovely Pat

Okay so transfers are out and I'm leaving Anoka and am getting transferred to lacrosse Wisconsin! I am super sad to be leaving the people here in Anoka and leaving sister Killpack. We love each other
so much. But i am super happy that if i have to get transferred that I'm getting transferred to lacrosse. I've hear nothing but amazing things about it from everyone whose served there. Sister Killpack's staying in Anoka and is training a new missionary.

So this week. Last Monday we went bowling after emailing and we went bowling with Joseph smith. He's an investigator the Andover elders are teaching, he's a 6 ft 3 black man. When they were teaching him the restoration and got to the part about the prophet Joseph smith he was just like "what, his names Joseph smith? That's what's up". We got a kick out of that. Then we went and watched the movie Ephraim's rescue at bishop's house with our district. He bought pizza and soda for us. The movie was a true story about the Mormon pioneers and specifically the martin handcart company and the miracles that happened. It was super good.

So exciting thing, P____ has stuck with not smoking!!! She has now been over a week without smoking. We are so proud of her! We've seen her a lot this week :) (Even celebrated her birthday, see video)

 We had dinner with Muriel this week and it was so fun i love that lady so much and am gonna miss her. I finished my first journal this week! I've never finished a journal in my entire life and I've done it! It's so beautiful :)

And last but not least of amazing things this week. IT WAS 60 DEGREES ON SATURDAY!! Like what!?!?! It was incredible. We got milkshakes with the windows rolled down and went contacting on main street. It was awesome, we were loving it. Unfortunately we are now back down to the
low 30's again which used to feel warm and now is freezing.

Well, that's it. My next email will be coming at ya from Wisconsin. :)

Spiritual thought of the Week:
I was reading in Alma chapter 49 this week and the whole chapter just kind of cried out the boy scout motto of Be Prepared and the scripture if ye are prepared ye shall not fear. The Nephites prepared themselves and their cities against the Lamanites whom they knew would come and not 1 Nephite perished. The importance of their preparation is that they prepared with the help of the lord. The Lamanites tried to prepare themselves but it wasn't enough. Moral of the story: You can't prepare yourself to the worlds or even to your own standards and knowledge. it will not be good enough. Only God knows what lies ahead and can accurately prepare you for it.
Love, Sister Richardson

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