Monday, February 1, 2016

The One with Two Scoops

February 1, 2016

Hello my dear family and friends. How goes it in the land of eternal P-Days? We'll this week in Anoka was a very busy and eventful one. We had like all the teaching appointments this week. Which is awesome but i was really stressed out. But don't worry everything went very smoothly for the most part.

We had a fun lesson with a young family in our ward named the smiths. They have three kids under the age of 10. I love teaching kids. The cool part about it though was that i am finally starting to get the hang of teaching! I was not worried at all about what i was going to say and what the next point was. super cool. I thought it would never happen haha. Then (this one's for you dad) i heard the song Budapest while getting gas this week. It reminded me so much of you and made me so happy! man i love that song. I do miss regular music, but that's okay, ill just have a ton of great music to listen to when i get home.

On Wednesday we had one of the coolest experiences on my mission. We were stopping by one of our kind of investigators McKenzie. She's 17 and we weren't quite sure what to share with her at first then really felt like we needed to share the Mormon message ""Hope ya know, I had a hard time". It went so well! The spirit was REALLY strong while we were speaking. We were all tearing up and i was bearing my testimony and it was just really great. I love that girl so much. We are so similar.
Then another really cool experience we had was when we taught Dick and Kathy Anderson the restoration. They are active members and the lesson again went really well and the spirit was very strong. Sister Anderson already knows who she wants to invite to take the lessons. We are so excited!

Now for something funny and kind of sketchy. So we were trying to go and find some one who is a lost sheep. A.K.A a member of the church who doesn't have their current address on their records and no one really knows where they are. We thought we found the right house but no one answered but there was a sign on the door saying to deliver packages to the back so we thought we would just drop off a book of Mormon ;) we go to the back and there are people smoking and as soon as they see us they got up and left. Then we knocked and a guy who didn't look like he was all there answered. It was just a comical situation, DRUG BUST!

And another funny thing that happened this week. We went and visited this CUTE old less active lady. Like she's 80 something her name is sister roads. And of course (i feel like i say this about everyone) we adore her. Usually we spend most of our time together talking about cats :). So she needed help taking a mixer out of the box so we do that and she has a fryer that she wanted to put inside the box but she didn't think that it would fit. Sister Killpack grabs it and it slides right in perfectly and she just goes hehehehehe HOT DOG! we about lost it, it was so funny. ohhh man, that lady, she's the best.

So I've happened upon a glorious and troublesome discovery here in Anoka. There is a store called 2 scoops. This store is an Ice Cream store. And this Ice Cream just happens to have some of the best Ice Cream i think I've ever eaten. That is all you need to know about this discovery. If anyone reading this email happens to come to Anoka, Minnesota please take the extra time, money, and extra fat and go.

We also found the cutest park in Anoka. and had to stop and take pictures. And last but not least we had two investigators to church yesterday! It was awesome we had Gladys and Sharon. Gladys surprised us and was just there. She's a very cool investigator from Liberia. Well that's about it from the land of wind and snow. OH! The weather here has been so nice! its been 40 degrees the past couple of days!!! You can actually see grass outside! I've forgotten what that looks like! Alright I'm done.

Love, Sister Richardson

Spiritual Thought of the Week:
Go ad Sin No More (Life of Christ Bible Video)
Matthew 5:22 and 7:1
This video and scriptures really stood out to me today. I know that I need to work on not getting angry or annoyed with people easily or for no reason. Sometimes it's really difficult because there are those days were you just hate the world and everyone in it and if anyone speaks you get annoyed with them. (Not that i would know ;) ) On those days we need to remember Christ and his words to the accusers of the woman who was caught in adultery. "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone." No one is perfect so we should not judge others simply because they are struggling in a different area of perfection than we are.

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