Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The One with 7 Words for 7 Months

April 4, 2016




 So as of this past week I have officially been a missionary for seven months now. I came to a crazy realization as I was talking to Sister Xiong that i literally have less than a year left on my mission. (Granted I have 11 months which is basically a year but still). She asked me on Saturday (my month mark) night as we were writing in journals before bed if i had to sum up my seven months using seven words what would they be and this is what I said...

#1. Challenging. There have been countless nights and days of tears incredible amounts of fear, frustration, and being forced out of my comfort zone as I've tried to be the missionary my heavenly father needs me to be. Being a missionary is NOT an easy task.

#2. Fun. Despite how challenging being a missionary is I've also had a TON of fun. I feel like as a missionary you don't have a lot of time to just have fun and so when you get it you make the most out of it. Also the people i have come in contact with and have gotten to know both normal members, non-members, and missionaries have filled my mission with just good old fun.

 #3. Spirit-led. We as missionaries cannot do this work on our own. We don't know these people but heavenly father does. He knows them perfectly, he's there father, and without his help nothing would happen. Without the confirmation of the spirit in what we say is true and working in the lives of all those around us there would be no point in us being out here. I have had a lot of incredible experiences both in lessons, finding people (both investigators and less-actives), and simply trying to serve others when i have seen the spirit magnify my efforts to serve, teach, and convey heavenly fathers love and concern for others in a way i could never do on my own. 

#4. Cold. This one is kind of self-explanatory. I have never been so cold in my ENTIRE LIFE. Here's one to all of the firsts of winter for me. Big puffy Eskimo coats. Big puffy Eskimo coats on top of other coats. Hand warmers every day. Sticking those hand warmers in your boots to try to warm your freezing toes. Fleece lined tights. Wearing multiple pairs of fleece lined tights. Weird (but warm) head band things to keep your ears from falling off that i swore at BYUI that i would never wear. (I love them now, they are life (and ear) savers). Wearing two shirts, a sweatshirt, fleece lined tights, sweat pants, two pairs of socks, an outer jacket, with two blankets to bed, and finally being comfortable. There being such thing as wind chill that is oh so real and hits you in the face when you least expect it. And last but not least -20's. Ummm What? Why do people live here?  

#5.Service. From volunteering at food shelves, to salvation army, and just the everyday little acts of service we do as missionaries (especially for cute elderly grandmas) I LOVE it! I had never served very much outside of my family or if i did it didn't seem like it to me. I hope to make service apart of my life when i get home, it makes me joyful to be able to serve those around me.

#6. Love. This one little word blankets so much of my mission. It's what I have felt from the people in every area I have served in. It's what I have grown to feel for the Gospel and this incredible and miraculously restored church of Jesus Christ. It's what I have given and tried to show to those i serve with and talk to. What I feel from my family and all those back home who love me and are praying for me. It is what I have felt from my father in Heaven as I have pleaded for help to be more, do more, and accept things out of my control, and have seen his tender responses to those prayers. It is the reason why I am still serving a mission. I love this church and the gospel, my heavenly father, the wonderful and incredible people i have met and have yet to meet, my fellow missionaries, the fact my family can be eternal and will never be separated by death, the guidance and strength of the scriptures, the power and blessings of the priesthood and comfort it has given me, and last but not least my savior Jesus Christ who is the epitome of pure love.

#7. Growth. My dad said that as a missionary you can see yourself grow and change in some ways but that it's most apparent to those around you. If i have been stretched and pulled and molded so much in only seven months I wonder at what the next seven will bring. Heavenly Father actually did know what he was doing by telling me to serve a mission... go figure, hahaha.

So after ranting about me for forever. I'll give ya a quick rundown of what happened this week. p.s sorry about the random formatting of this email.

Lesson with 2 Brian’s and Mai:

 So we went over to Brian Spindlers house on Thursday for our appointment and brought Mai with us for rule of three. Also she's like one of my favorite people ever. And we get there and he had totally forgotten we were coming and had a buddy of his with him but let us in. And showed us a bunch of old pictures of the two of them back when they were rock stars. (They actually were believe it or not). We got talking and talked a lot about Christ and parts of the restoration and testified. Mai did such a great job! She's been a member for about a month now and is so solid! And she really liked coming teaching with us too so YAY! Brian's buddy was also named Brian but he's Brian F. and he was really interested in what we had to say and wants to know more so we got his phone number and will hopefully get in contact with him soon! That was so great. Brian S. was acting kind of strange and were thinking he wasn't all that sober. But regardless the spirit was there (I think more for Brian F's sake hahaha)

Sang in Hmong:

I learned how to sing I am a child of god in Hmong and there was one word that you have to pronounce with the back of your throat and i DIED laughing. After trying (and failing) all I could think about was the best two years when elder rogers tries to help elder Calhoun speak Dutch and he just goes "okay, yeah, you keep working on that". So funny.

Prank War:

Also this week we started a prank war between us and the elders. Mai texted us on Friday and was like "it's April fool’s day we need to play a prank on the elders!". I was soo down so we decided to saran wrap there car and we did. It was so great and so fun. I've always wanted to do that to someone. The elders were so confused. I'll send pictures. But then i was really surprised with how quickly they got us back. The next day they (including Mai) wrote with shaving cream all over our car so we had to go take it to a car wash. Soo sneaky >:l It's on.


Sister Youngblut to conference:

Sister Youngblut came to the morning session of Conference!!! We were so excited and then Sister Baker came to the church to see her and they hit it off so well! They were friends a while ago and it seemed like they just picked it right back up where they left off. That made our hearts so happy, that's exactly what members are supposed to do. Make people feel, loved and missed and wanted. WOOO!


Food with Der: 

We went over to teach over investigator Der and she has still not gotten over the fact that we only have 1 hour for lunch and dinner to cook and eat. So, she made us pho (pronounced fuh). If i had to describe I would say it was like a build your own Ramen bowl. There were noodles that you put in a broth you make and then you can add more meat and vegetables and sauces/ spices, and bean sprouts, and garlic etc. It was pretty good. It was a little bland for my taste but with a little more flavor i would really like it. I also took pictures so I'll attach those as well



We went to find and old lady whose less active Named Mary and we did. She's 87 and HILARIOUS. She is such a spit fire. She has such a strong testimony of the gospel and loves her family. It was funny right as we met her i asked her how many grand kids she had she just goes "Don't ask stupid questions!" We were thinking oh no, we are going to die this lady hates us. Don't worry she likes us, she just can't remember stuff haha. Then we showed her the Easter video and she was talking about how we are all brothers and sisters. Then she's gets super straight faced and goes "I've got some ugly ones". I cracked up laughing. She is a hoot. I am excited to see her again :)

Well that's it from Wisconsin... Until next week!

-Sister Richardson

Spiritual Thought of the Week:(Some of my favorite quotes from conference)

"An unforgiving heart harbors so much needless pain"- Kevin R. Duncan

"We all know Saul like individuals with Paul like potential"- Kevin R. Duncan

"God looketh not upon the color of the jersey or the political party"- Kevin R. Duncan

"If life were truly fair we would never be able to be resurrected or be clean in the presence of god. I am grateful that life isn't fair" Dale G. Renlund

"We leap over the boat full of faith and determination and quickly learn we cannot do it alone"- Ronald A. Rasband

"Just because you have questions don't loose faith in your testimony. If you are diligent in keeping the commandments and serving in the church god will eventually help you find your answer." (Not an exact quote. This is my words/ impression) -Jairo Mazzagardi

"You might as well be baptizing a bag of sand as a man if it is not done for the remission of sins and to receive the holy ghost." - David A Bednar

"If you don't know where you want to go it doesn't matter which path you take" -Thomas S. Monson 

"May we choose the harder right than the easier wrong"- Thomas S Monson

"Challenges are sometimes a sign of gods trust in you to deal with what you face"- D. Todd Christofferson

"There is no life so shattered that cannot be rebuilt"- Dieter F. Ucthdorf

"The Great thing about the gospel is we get credit for trying" Jeffrey R. Holland

"After Heavenly moments we, in essence, always return to earth"- Jeffrey R. Holland

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