Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The One Where I Ran into a Door.....Twice!!!

March 28, 2016

So I know you are all dying to hear what is new in Wisconsin, never fear i am ready to deliver all the juicy details (not really they aren't that juicy but clearly your still reading this so you must be interested in what i have to say >:) ) (I know..... I'm weird)
So this past Monday night we had dinner with our ward mission leaders family the Ebbert's. They are so fun and Mai was there. She's is a recent convert of about a month and she is SO FUN. I just love her. Dinner was incredibly yummy i asked Lawson (their 10 year old son) before hand just  how yummy this soup was and he said a 10.5. He was not wrong. Then we had FHE with them and Mai all about Easter and holy week, and then played a dice game called Zilch and I won. So clearly that was the best game ever. I was very happy but trying to be humble about it ;) 
On Tuesday we had a really cool lesson with a lady named Jessie. She's been coming to church with her kids and husband for about 2 months now. Her Grandparents were converts to the church and she received an answer to her prayer that she needed to start coming to our church. However she hasn't met with the missionaries because she wanted to make the first contact to ask us to teach her and she invited us and the elders over so she could get a blessing and ask us some of her questions. She is so sweet and kind and open and all she wants is to know what god wants her to do and to do it. I really admire her, she has so much faith and trust in god. She said she is going to start praying about when the right time to start meeting with the missionaries is so hopefully we'll hear from her soon and can start teaching her! :) 
So it snowed this week >:( i was not happy. I am SO DONE with snow, it's like a clingy ex, trying to come back and stay a while when you are just completely 100% done with it. Anyways... It was supposed to snow 5-12 inches on Thursday and it did start snowing but was very wimpy but our cars got grounded for half the day anyways. It did end up snowing pretty good during the night, but the next day our cars weren't grounded at all. Figure that one out. AND we had snow for Easter which is the first time that has ever happened in my life! Good thing about it, Sister Xiong and i went out and made snow angels. Sister Xiong had never made one before! I got to witness it :) 

So I LOVED the general women's broadcast on Saturday. Our Relief Society had an hors d'oeuvre potluck dinner an hour before which was yummy, and then we watched the broadcast and then had designer cupcakes and ice cream afterwards. (I say designer cause they looked like the cupcakes you see on the food network channel). 
And Last but not least HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! We had a good Easter. We sang in the choir and sung a pretty song called he is risen. Then i had a cool experience during our relief society where i learned that you really can receive personal revelation through church attendance. That was an awesome experience and i almost started crying in Relief Society as i saw one of my prayers answered and knew that my Heavenly Father was mindful of me.

Funny Things of the Week:
We were stopping by a less active member of the ward at night and his house was really dark but i thought i saw a light so i leaned in towards the door to see if he was coming. Little did I realize he had an outer glass door and I slammed my face on it. We left very quickly. Not only that but then I did it again! We were at our bishops house for breakfast and coordination and I ran into THEIR glass door as I was trying to leave. Man i'm as bad as those crows on the Windex commercials.

Spiritual Thought of the Week:
So i have been terrible about ponderizing scriptures but i have decided to pick it back up and i LOVED this scripture i came across while reading in John. (if you don't know what ponderizing is may i refer you to the October 2015 General Conference talk 'my heart pondereth them continually'.) 
John 16:33 "These things i have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: But be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
This is so appropriate it having just been Easter and considering the past bombing in Belgium. This world is crazy and is in a lot of ways scary and it is not easy. We don't need to fear and can have peace in the knowledge that Christ has overcome all of those things. He truly has overcome the world. All of it's fear, hatred and any and all of the many negative things and feelings that exist in this world can be overcome through our savior Jesus Christ. He is truly mindful of us. 

I Love you ALL!!! 

-Sister Richardson

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