Monday, January 23, 2017

The One With the Plaid Party


Plaid Party!

Another missionary email coming at ya from the heart of the bitter cold Midwest. Here's a run down of what went down this week.

We had our first district meeting. Usually it's in new Brighton but the zone leaders wanted to be apart of it so we gathered at the institute building right by the University of Minnesota campus which was fun. Our district walked to a cute burger cafe despite it being in the negatives with a fierce windchill. Luckily we made it there and back with all our fingers and toes still intact.

We went and visited a cute sister in our ward named Sister Linehan. She's such a sweet heart. She told us her cool conversion story and how she has continually tried to share the gospel with all of her family members despite their rejection of it. Also a cool miracle. We happened to come by at the one time her 17 year old granddaughter Tanisha was there helping her. Tanisha joined us for our message and has such great insight. She shared how she appreciated her grandma taking her to church when she was little and she wants to come to church more. So great! She was hilarious and we gave her our card, so hopefully we get to see her again.

We went and volunteered at FMSC (Feed my starving children) with the district again. It's so fun! I was on the sealer this time and really found my groove. We ended up packing 52 boxes for hungry children! Woo! Also on Thursday we met one of the women that the elders had been teaching named Jennifer Briski. She's so legit! She opened her door and was like "hmhm come in" and then just walked away haha. We came in and talked with her apparently she had had a baptismal date before but it fell through and she is currently in the process of praying when a good time to try again will be. She's so funny and our personalities totally click. I'm so excited to teach her and get to know her better. Apparently her and her family has been having missionaries over for over 20 years and everyone in her family has gotten baptized except her. That'll change soon!!

We also had one of the funnest dinners I've ever been too. The Ingall's family signed up for us and then texted saying it was going to be at their parents house instead (whom are also in our ward) and to wear plaid if we had it. We show up to their parents, the Weekly's, for dinner and they have over 15 family members there and are
celebrating Brother Weekly's birthday and everyone is wearing plaid on plaid. It was awesome! Their family is hilarious. At one point the grandparents and children were swing dancing and grandchildren were flirting with grandparents ( in a funny way of course). It was so fun. Don't worry, we got a picture!

Our second week of Church was also really great. We are starting to get a handle on who everyone is. A less active sister of a member in our ward came to church so we taught a gospel principles class on the spot which went well. We jumped in and helped primary the second hour and got to know the kids and teachers better. Then our ward had a potluck after church and THEY MADE HAWIAN HAYSTACKS! Oh they were so good! I don't think I've had them since I left on my mission. Delicioso! It was a great day.

Funny Moment of the Week: 
So we were trying to stop by a less active family and as we walked down the hallway we saw that someone had thrown eggs at one of the apartment doors. The less active family didn't answer and as we were walking back the person living in the egged apartment was talking to the manager. He said "Man I don't know why anyone would do that. I mean why would you waste two eggs!? We could've eaten that. We could bake a cake with those!". We died laughing.

#2. At the same apartment building. We found the duck hotspot. Watch the video below

Spiritual Thought of the Week:
I came across this beautiful scripture this week and it really touched me. Paul is speaking to Timothy in a letter and he is describing what Christ can do and why he came...
1 Timothy 1:15 "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief."
My favorite phrase is the last sentence. "That Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief". I love how Paul, being the spiritual powerhouse that he is, is always reminding people of his weaknesses. Paul could've tried to cover up his weaknesses and fault but instead he uses them and shares them with others to allow others hope in the gospel and Jesus Christ. It's through his weaknesses that he is able to relate to other so well. I was just reminded that our weaknesses and faults are a blessing and given to us for a reason. So we can relate to others and help them know what is possible.

️Sister Richardson

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