Sunday, January 31, 2016

The One With All Of The Tender Mercies

January 18, 2016

 Transfer news: So really aren't sure right now. I'm not training which was a surprise cause we were pretty sure I was. The transfer sheet said that I am staying in Anoka and getting a new companion, sister Killpack. Sister young is supposed to go be in a trio with sister Schmidt and sister mortensen in St. Cloud. She was having a lot of anxiety about it though so she called and talked to president about it. So he's gonna pray about it and decide by the end of the day. We might have a trio in Anoka or something else might happen. Don't know. But when president asked to talk to me after he finished talking to sister young he even thought I was training and then mentioned that the sister coming in from Sweden didn't get her visa so I'm thinking I was supposed to get the sister from Sweden. Woah!

So this week was chalked full of tender mercies. It was awesome. On Tuesday I met Nana Vicki for the first time. She's a cute investigator grandma who loves the missionaries and she made us pancakes. We are gonna see her again tomorrow. I had a sweet experience on Wednesday. I have been worried about not doing everything that my Heavenly Father expects of me while here in Anoka, and there was a situation this week, where sister young gave me the choice of taking it easy and not going to contact a potential and just going to the church before our preach my gospel class or going to contact him. I decided that we should go contact him and after I made that decision to work a little harder I felt the spirit witness to me that my Heavenly Father was proud of my decision. That was really cool. Kind of hard to explain but it meant a lot to me to know that I am doing what I need to be doing, and my Heavenly Father recognizes my efforts.
Thursday was sweet because we got to go to the temple! I love going to the temple. It's always so peaceful and you just get to relax and feel the spirit and kind of recharge. Then the lady from the ward who drove us, sister Fosvick (she went on a mission to Washington!) took us the long way home and we went through downtown Minneapolis (it was sweet seeing my old area) and saw the cherry spoon and new us bank stadium. We had a sweet member lesson with the Delongs. They are both extremely smart like Ph.D. smart and we sometimes don't know how to approach teaching them but we decided to go super basic and it went super well. The spirit was really strong during the lesson.
On Saturday we had a lesson scheduled with Muriel and we saw her but she was working a lot but her 16 year old daughter Cheyenne came down and we went out to lunch with her and began building a friendship and she said she wanted to come to church! Muriel said she'd come with but had to work. Unfortunately she wasn't able to come this week but she asked if she could come next week so we are still super pumped for that. BUT MIRACLE OF THE WEEK! Pat surprised us and came to church with sister B!!!!!!!!! Holy flip we were so excited! That was awesome. Sunday was both an amazing day and a really big struggle. It was awesome because there were so many tender mercies and blessings that I recognized but it was a struggle because I was sick. Man I was so sick. I had a fever and my head hurt and I was so nauseous. Man I was so nauseous. I got to the point where I just wanted to throw up because I'd probably feel better. But even in getting sick i saw a lot of tender mercies. I kinda wanted a blessing but didn't want to inconvenience anybody and the elders called just then and asked if they could come fix our dishwasher so I was able to get a blessing. Then elder Johnston called sister Woodward and asked her to come over to see if she could help (she does weird health treatment things). And the stuff she did wasn't the tender mercy, the fact that she was there was  the tender mercy, because she really reminds me of mom. I don't know what it is but she reminds me of mom and it was really nice having her there because when I get sick, I get super homesick and really I debated asking president if I could call home just so I could talk to mom and hear her voice, because that always makes me feel better. So even though yesterday was awful because I was sick there was just one tender mercy after the other.
Spiritual Thought of the Week:
Mosiah 9:18 "And God did hear our cries and did answer our prayers; and we did go forth in his might." 
-If we ask God for help and rely on him we don't need to be good enough. He already is and we can lean on him, "and go forth in his might".

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